Nearly all organic compounds also contain H atoms, which explains why plants need the H they get from water molecules through photosynthesis.
Proton Gradients and Plant Respiration
Hydrogen ions are vital in both aiding proton gradients to help drive the electron transport chain in photosynthesis, and for plant respiration.
Hydrogen is necessary for building sugars and other molecules to produce glucose for plant energy.

Structural Element
Known as a structural element, H is present in both the atmosphere and the growing environment.
Rarely Changes Output
Hydrogen is rarely a limiting nutrient.
Element and Compound
Hydrogen is an element and can be a compound as well. As an element, H is the lightest, with one proton, one electron and usually no neutrons. Compound H forms when two H atoms share an electron pair, creating a covalent bond, which takes the form of a gas.
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