MAP is commonly used as a phosphorus (P) source in spring wheat production.
Spring wheat needs sulfur (S) to maximize yield and quality (protein).
MicroEssentials® S15® is a premium P fertilizer that provides two forms of S (sulfate + elemental) for season-long availability.
Crop: Wheat (Triticum Aestivum)
Years: 2017-2018
Locations: 15 trials across the US and Canada – AB, ID, MT, ND, SD, SK
Data Source: Field studies conducted by independent third-party researchers.
Experimental Design: Small-plot RCBD with 4 replications.
Cropping Conditions: All trials conformed to local cropping practices.
N Rate: Followed local recommendations
P Rate: 40 lbs P₂O₅/ac as MAP or MicroEssentials® S15®
Application Details: Fertilizer applications followed local practices which included both broadcast incorporated and/or in-furrow applications.
The traditional practice of only applying N and P to spring wheat cropping systems is not enough to maximize yields.
Averaged across 15 site-years, MicroEssentials® S15® outperformed MAP by 3.0 bu/ac.
These results demonstrate the benefit of higher yield from key features of uniform nutrient distribution, increased nutrient uptake and a season-long supply of sulfur (sulfate + elemental).